/* * ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED * Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated * All Rights Reserved * * NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the * terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a * source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior * written permission of Adobe. */ // Copyright 2001-2005 Interakt Online. All rights reserved. var is = new BrowserCheck(); if (typeof utility == 'undefined') utility = {}; /* utility = { 'math': {}, 'string': {}, 'js': {}, 'debug': {}, 'url': {}, 'dom': {}, 'window': {}, 'cookie': {}, 'date': {}, 'req': {}, 'xml': {} }; */ Object_weave_safe(utility, {math: {}}); utility.math.intbgr2hexrgb = function(a) { d2h = utility.math.dec2hex; pad = utility.math.zeroPad; // on mozilla will report rgb(a, b, c) - so the following is not good return "#" + pad(d2h(a % 256), 2) + pad(d2h((a / 256) % 256), 2) + pad(d2h((a / 65536) % 256), 2); } utility.math.mozcolor2rgb = function(color) { return color; } utility.math.dec2hex = function(x) { return Number(parseInt(x)).toString(16); } utility.math.hex2dec = function(x) { return parseInt(x, 16); } utility.math.zeroPad = function (str, length) { if (!str) str = ""; str = str.toString(); while (str.length < length) { str = "0" + str; } return str; } utility.math.rgb2hexcolor = function(color) { var arr = []; if (arr = color.match(/^rgb\(([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+)\)/i)) { var ret = ''; for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var tmp = utility.math.dec2hex(arr[i]); while (tmp.length < 2) { tmp = "0" + tmp; } ret += tmp; } return "#" + ret; } else { return color; } } Object_weave_safe(utility, {js: {}}); utility.js.build = function(fun1, fun2) { var me = function() { if (fun2) { fun2(); } if (fun1) { fun1(); } } return me; } utility.js.empty_func = function() {}; Object_weave_safe(utility, {debug: {}}); utility.debug.dump = function (obj, sep) { if (sep == undefined) { sep = ''; } tm = ""; if (typeof (obj) == "object") { for (var i in obj) { tm += sep + i + ":{\n" + utility.debug.dump(obj[i], sep + ' ') + "}\n"; } return tm; } if (typeof (obj) == "function") return sep + typeof (obj) + "\n"; return sep + obj + "\n"; } function al(obj, rx) { alert(utility.debug.dumpone(obj, rx)); } utility.debug.dumpone = function (obj, rx, sep) { if (rx == undefined) { rx = new RegExp("", ""); } if (sep == undefined) { sep = ''; } tm = ""; if (typeof (obj) == "object" && obj!=null) { if (typeof(obj.push) != "undefined" && obj.push.toString().indexOf("[native code]")>0) { tm = sep + "Array[" + obj.length + "]\n"; } else { for (i in obj) { if (i.toUpperCase() == i) { continue; } if (!rx.test(i)) { continue; } try { if (typeof obj[i] != 'function') { tm += sep + i + ":{" + obj[i] + "}\n"; } else { //tm += sep + i + ":{\n js function }\n"; } } catch(err){ tm += sep + i + ":ERROR{" + err.message + "}\n"; } } } return tm; } if (typeof (obj) == "function") return sep + typeof (obj) + "\n"; return sep + obj + "\n"; } utility.debug.breakpoint = function(evalFunc, msg, initialExprStr) { if (evalFunc == null) evalFunc = function(e){return eval(e)}; if (msg == null) msg = ""; var result = initialExprStr || "1+2"; while (true) { var expr = prompt("BREAKPOINT: " + msg + "\nEnter an expression to evaluate, or Cancel to continue.", result); if (expr == null || expr == "") return; try { result = evalFunc(expr); } catch (e) { result = e; } } } Object_weave_safe(utility, {string: {}}); utility.string.htmlspecialchars = function(str) { Array_each([ ['>', '>'], ['<', '<'], ['\xA0', ' '], ['"', '"'] ], function(repl, idx) { str = str.replace(new RegExp('['+repl[0]+']', "g"), repl[1]); }); return str; } utility.string.getInnerText = function(str) { if (typeof getInnerText_tmpDiv == 'undefined') { getInnerText_tmpDiv = document.createElement('div'); } var oldstr = str; try { getInnerText_tmpDiv.innerHTML = str; if (is.safari) { str = getInnerText_tmpDiv.innerHTML; getInnerText_tmpDiv.innerHTML = ""; } else { str = getInnerText_tmpDiv.innerText; getInnerText_tmpDiv.innerHTML = ""; } } catch(e) { return oldstr; } if ( typeof str == 'undefined') { return oldstr; } return str; } utility.string.sprintf = function() { if (!arguments || arguments.length < 1 || !RegExp) { return; } var str = arguments[0]; var oldstr = arguments[0]; var re = /([^%]*)%('.|0|\x20)?(-)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?(%|b|c|d|u|f|o|s|x|X)(.*)/; var a = b = [], numSubstitutions = 0, numMatches = 0; while (a = re.exec(str)) { var leftpart = a[1], pPad = a[2], pJustify = a[3], pMinLength = a[4]; var pPrecision = a[5], pType = a[6], rightPart = a[7]; numMatches++; if (pType == '%') { subst = '%'; } else { numSubstitutions++; if (numSubstitutions >= arguments.length) { return oldstr; } var param = arguments[numSubstitutions]; var subst = param; if (pType == 'c') subst = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(param)); else if (pType == 'd') subst = parseInt(param) ? parseInt(param) : 0; else if (pType == 's') subst = param; } str = leftpart + subst + rightPart; } return str; } Object_weave_safe(utility, {dom: {}}); utility.dom.setUnselectable = function(el) { if (is.ie) { for(var i=0; i ch) { delta.y = ch - (b - st); if (t + delta.y < st) { delta.y = st-t; } } else if (t < st) { delta.y = st - t; } if (delta.y != 0) { source.style.top = (current.y + delta.y) + 'px'; } var sl = doc.scrollLeft; var cw = doc.clientWidth; var l = box.x + (is.ie?-offset_fix.x:offset_fix.x); var r = box.x + box.width + (is.ie?-offset_fix.x:offset_fix.x); if ( r - sl > cw) { delta.x = cw - (r - sl); if (l + delta.x < sl) { delta.x = sl-l; } } else if (l < sl) { delta.x = sl - l; } if (delta.x != 0) { source.style.left = (current.x + delta.x) + 'px'; } }; /** * utility.dom.putElementAt * place an element over another element, at a specified special location (corner over corner) * @param {DOMElement} source * @param {DOMElement} target * @param {String} relative - string specifiing the position of source relative to target [0-4]{2} * '03' - means put source corner 0 over target corner 3, ie:dropdown menu opens below opener button * 0-NW, 1-NE, 2-SE, 3-SW, 4-N (top-center), 5-E (middle-right), 6-S, 7-W, 8-center :) * @param {Object} offset - optional, offset.x and offset.y specifies additional amount * @param {Object} biv - optional, offset.x and offset.y specifies additional amount */ utility.dom.putElementAt = function (source, target, relative, offset, biv) { offset = util_defaultValue(offset, {x:0, y:0}); biv = util_defaultValue(biv, true); var si = parseInt(relative.charAt(0), 10); var ti = parseInt(relative.charAt(1), 10); var source_box = utility.dom.getBorderBox(source, source.ownerDocument); var target_box = utility.dom.getBorderBox(target, target.ownerDocument); var sx = ['0', '-source_box.width', '-source_box.width', '0','-source_box.width/2', '-source_box.width','-source_box.width/2', '0','-source_box.width/2']; var tx = ['target_box.x', 'target_box.x+target_box.width', 'target_box.x+target_box.width', 'target_box.x', 'target_box.x+target_box.width/2', 'target_box.x+target_box.width', 'target_box.x+target_box.width/2', 'target_box.x', 'target_box.x+target_box.width/2']; var sy = ['0', '0', '-source_box.height', '-source_box.height', '0', '-source_box.height/2', '-source_box.height', '-source_box.height/2', '-source_box.height/2']; var ty = ['target_box.y', 'target_box.y', 'target_box.y+target_box.height', 'target_box.y+target_box.height', 'target_box.y', 'target_box.y+target_box.height/2', 'target_box.y+target_box.height', 'target_box.y+target_box.height/2', 'target_box.y+target_box.height/2']; var box = {x:0, y:0}; box.x = eval(sx[si] + ' + ' + tx[ti]) + offset.x; box.y = eval(sy[si] + ' + ' + ty[ti]) + offset.y; utility.dom.setBorderBox(source, box); if (biv) { utility.dom.bringIntoView(source); } return true; }; utility.dom.put = function(el, left, top) { el.style.left = left + 'px'; el.style.top = top + 'px'; } utility.dom.resize = function(el, width, height) { el.style.width = width + 'px'; el.style.height = height + 'px'; } utility.dom.focusElem =function(elem) { var d; d = this.getElem(elem); if (!d) return; if (d.focus) d.focus(); } utility.dom.hideElem = function(elem) { this.setCssProperty(elem, "display", "none"); } utility.dom.showElem = function(elem, force) { var tag_display = { table: 'table', tr: 'table-row', td: 'table-cell' } elem = utility.dom.getElem(elem); var tn = elem.tagName.toLowerCase(); var t; if (!force) { if (typeof tag_display[tn] != 'undefined') { t = tag_display[tn]; } else { t = "block"; } } else { t = 'force'; } try { this.setCssProperty(elem, "display", t); } catch(e) { // default to block if first try doesn't work // this happens on explorer when trying to set table-row and friends this.setCssProperty(elem, "display", "block"); } } // because we can't find out on the first call the real state, we assume the element is hidden utility.dom.toggleElem = function(elem, force) { elem = utility.dom.getElem(elem); try { if (!elem.style.display || elem.style.display == 'none') { utility.dom.showElem(elem, force); } else { utility.dom.hideElem(elem); } } catch(e) { } } // select the option that has the given value utility.dom.selectOption = function(sel, val) { var i; if (!sel) return; for (i=0; i bw + sw) { x = bw + sw - w; } if (y + h > bh + sh) { y = bh + sh - h; } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; return { x: x, y: y }; } utility.dom.setCssProperty = function(elem, name, value) { var d; // sanity if (!elem || !name || !value) return; d = this.getElem(elem); if (!d) return; d.style[name] = value; } utility.dom.getElem = function(elem) { var d; if (typeof(elem) == "string") { d = document.getElementById(elem); } else { d = elem; } return d; } // return utility.dom.getClassNames = function(o) { o = utility.dom.getElem(o); if (!o) return false; var className = typeof(o.className) == 'undefined'?'':o.className; var cn = String_trim(String_normalize_space(className)); if (cn == '') { return []; } return cn.split(" "); } utility.dom.classNameAdd = function(obj, toadd) { var cls = utility.dom.getClassNames(obj); if (typeof toadd == 'string') { toadd = toadd.split(','); } Array_each(toadd, function(item, i){ if (Array_indexOf(cls, item) == -1) { Array_push(cls, item); } }); cls = String_trim(cls.join(' ')); var className = typeof(obj.className) == 'undefined'?'':obj.className; if (String_trim(className) != cls) { obj.className = cls; } } utility.dom.classNameRemove = function(obj, toremove) { var cls = utility.dom.getClassNames(obj); var result = []; /* can't use ruby.js and all those nice things yet * since ie5 doesn't have .hasOwnProperty cls = cls.reject(function(item, i) { return (item == str); }); */ if (typeof toremove == 'string') { toremove = toremove.split(','); } Array_each(cls, function(item, i){ if (Array_indexOf(toremove, item) == -1) { Array_push(result, item); } }); cls = String_trim(result.join(' ')); var className = typeof(obj.className) == 'undefined'?'':obj.className; if (String_trim(className) != cls) { obj.className = cls; } } utility.dom.insertAfter = function(newElement, targetElement) { var sibling = targetElement.nextSibling var parent = targetElement.parentNode; if (sibling == null) { var toret = parent.appendChild(newElement); } else { var toret = parent.insertBefore(newElement, sibling); } return toret; } utility.dom.getPreviousSiblingByTagName = function(t, siblingName, allowSameTag) { if ((t.nodeName.toLowerCase()==siblingName.toLowerCase()) && !allowSameTag) { return t; } while (t.previousSibling && t.previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() != siblingName.toLowerCase() ) { t = t.previousSibling; } if (t.previousSibling && t.previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == siblingName.toLowerCase()) { return t.previousSibling; } else { return null; } } utility.dom.getNextSiblingByTagName = function(t, siblingName, allowSameTag) { if ((t.nodeName.toLowerCase()==siblingName.toLowerCase()) && !allowSameTag) { return t; } while (t.nextSibling && t.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() != siblingName.toLowerCase() ) { t = t.nextSibling; } if (t.nextSibling && t.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == siblingName.toLowerCase()) { return t.nextSibling; } else { return null; } } utility.dom.getParentByTagName = function(t, parentName) { if (t.nodeName.toLowerCase() == parentName.toLowerCase()) { return t; } while (t.parentNode && t.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != parentName.toLowerCase() && t.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY') { t = t.parentNode; } if (t.parentNode && t.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == parentName.toLowerCase()) { return t.parentNode; } else { return null; } } // should refactor this to take the tagname as a list or array of tagnames // TODO : parameter order utility.dom.getElementsByTagName = function(o, sTagName) { var el; if (typeof o == 'undefined') { o = document; } else { o = utility.dom.getElem(o); } if (sTagName == '*' || typeof sTagName == 'undefined') { el = utility.dom.getAllChildren(o); } else { el = o.getElementsByTagName(sTagName.toLowerCase()); } return el; } // actually, this should be a front for a more generic method that gets elements filtered by an attribute // or, we should try to use more of ruby.js to make this things easier to do (include Enumerable) utility.dom.getElementsByClassName = function(o, sClassName, sTagName) { var elements = []; Array_each(utility.dom.getElementsByTagName(o, sTagName), function(elem, i) { if (Array_indexOf(utility.dom.getClassNames(elem), sClassName) != -1) { Array_push(elements, elem); } }); return elements; } utility.dom.getElementById = function(o, sId, sTagName) { var elements = []; Array_each(utility.dom.getElementsByTagName(o, sTagName), function(elem, i) { if (typeof elem.id != "undefined" && elem.id != null && elem.id.toString() == sId) { Array_push(elements, elem); } }); return elements; } utility.dom.getElementsByProps = function(start, props_hash) { var unfiltered, toret = []; if (typeof(start) == 'undefined') { start = document; } else { start = utility.dom.getElem(o); } if (o.all) { unfiltered = o.all; } else { unfiltered = o.getElementsByTagName('*'); } //unfiltered.each = Array.prototype.each; Array_each(unfiltered, function(item) { var cond = true; for (i in props_hash) { try { var value = item[i]; } catch(e) { value = null; } cond = cond && (value == props_hash[i]); } if (cond) { Array_push(toret, item); } }); return toret; } // get all children of elem that have the "tag" tagName utility.dom.getChildrenByTagName = function(elem, tag) { var result = []; var x; if (typeof(tag) == 'undefined') tag = '*'; tag = tag.toLowerCase(); if (!elem.childNodes) return result; for (var i=0; i -1) { // Token is an ID selector var bits = token.split('#'); var tagName = bits[0]; var id = bits[1]; var element = document.getElementById(id); if (element && tagName && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != tagName) { // tag with that ID not found, return false return []; } // Set currentContext to contain just this element currentContext = new Array(element); continue; // Skip to next token } if (token.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Token contains a class selector var bits = token.split('.'); var tagName = bits[0]; var className = bits[1]; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Get elements matching tag, filter them for class selector var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements; if (tagName == '*') { elements = utility.dom.getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { var cclassName = typeof(found[k].className) == 'undefined'?'':found[k].className; if (cclassName && cclassName.match(new RegExp('\\b'+className+'\\b'))) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } continue; // Skip to next token } // Code to deal with attribute selectors if (token.match(/^(\w*)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/)) { var tagName = RegExp.$1; var attrName = RegExp.$2; var attrOperator = RegExp.$3; var attrValue = RegExp.$4; if (!tagName) { tagName = '*'; } // Grab all of the tagName elements within current context var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { var elements; if (tagName == '*') { elements = utility.dom.getAllChildren(currentContext[h]); } else { elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); } for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; var checkFunction; // This function will be used to filter the elements switch (attrOperator) { case '=': // Equality checkFunction = function(e) { try {return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString() == attrValue);} catch(ex) { } }; break; case '~': // Match one of space seperated words checkFunction = function(e) { try {return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString().match(new RegExp(attrValue)));} catch(ex) { return false; } }; break; case '|': // Match start with value followed by optional hyphen checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString().match(new RegExp('^'+attrValue+'-?'))); }; break; case '^': // Match starts with value checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString().indexOf(attrValue) == 0); }; break; case '$': // Match ends with value - fails with "Warning" in Opera 7 checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString().lastIndexOf(attrValue) == e.getAttribute(attrName).length - attrValue.length); }; break; case '*': // Match ends with value checkFunction = function(e) { return (e.getAttribute(attrName).toString().indexOf(attrValue) > -1); }; break; default : // Just test for existence of attribute checkFunction = function(e) { return e.getAttribute(attrName); }; } currentContext = new Array; var currentContextIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < found.length; k++) { if (checkFunction(found[k])) { currentContext[currentContextIndex++] = found[k]; } } //alert('Attribute Selector: '+tagName+' '+attrName+' '+attrOperator+' '+attrValue); continue; // Skip to next token } // If we get here, token is JUST an element (not a class or ID selector) tagName = token; var found = new Array; var foundCount = 0; for (var h = 0; h < currentContext.length; h++) { if (currentContext[h] != null) { var elements = currentContext[h].getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { found[foundCount++] = elements[j]; } } } currentContext = found; } return currentContext; } utility.dom.createForm = function(options, inputs, doc) { if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof inputs == 'undefined') inputs = []; if (typeof doc == 'undefined') doc = document; var default_options = { name: '', id: '', action: '', method: 'POST', // form method target: '' } options = Object_weave_safe(options, default_options); var frm = utility.dom.createElement( "FORM", { name: options.name, id: options.id, action: options.action, method: options.method, style: "display: none" }); Array_each(inputs, function(input, i) { frm.appendChild(utility.dom.createElement('INPUT', { 'type': 'hidden', 'id': input[0], 'name': input[0], 'value': input[1] })); }); frm = doc.body.appendChild(frm); frm.target = options.target; return frm; } utility.dom.createIframe = function(options, doc) { if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof doc == 'undefined') doc = document; var default_options = { name: '', id: '', src: options.src } options = Object_weave_safe(options, default_options); if (is.mozilla) { var ifr = utility.dom.createElement('iframe', { 'id': options.id, 'name': options.name, 'style': 'display: none;' }); ifr.src = options.src; ifr = doc.body.appendChild(ifr); ifr.name = options.name; ifr.id = options.id; } else if (is.ie) { var str = ''; var dv = doc.createElement('div'); doc.body.appendChild(dv); dv.innerHTML = str; } var ifr = doc.getElementById(options.id); return ifr; } utility.dom.addIframeLoad = function(ifr, functor) { if (is.mozilla) { ifr.onload = function() { functor(); } } else { ifr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (ifr.readyState == 'complete') { functor(); } } } } utility.dom.removeIframeLoad = function(ifr) { if (is.ie) { ifr.onreadystatechange = function() { }; } if (is.mozilla) {ifr.onload = function() { }; } } utility.dom.buildUrl = function() { } utility.dom.stripAttributes = function(el, additional_arr) { var cearElementProps = [ 'onload', 'data', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'ondblclick', 'onclick', 'onselectstart', 'oncontextmenu', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onblur', 'onfocus', 'onbeforedeactivate', 'onchange']; if (typeof el == 'undefined' || el == null) { return true; } for (var c = cearElementProps.length; c--; ) { el[cearElementProps[c]] = null; } if (typeof additional_arr != 'undefined') { for (var c = additional_arr.length; c--; ) { el[additional_arr[c]] = null; } } } // use attachEvent for ie utility.dom.attachEvent2 = function(where, type, what, when) { utility.dom.attachEvent_base(where, type, what, when, 1); } // use on. for ie utility.dom.attachEvent = function(where, type, what, when) { utility.dom.attachEvent_base(where, type, what, when, 0); } // don't use attachEvent for ie since we can't get // to the element where the handler is added from the handler utility.dom.attachEvent_base = function(where, type, what, when, add_first) { if (typeof(when) == 'undefined') when = 1; var doNotAdd = type.match(/unload$/i); var real_type = type.match(/^on/) ? type : 'on' + type ; var logical_type = type.replace(/^on/, ''); if (typeof where.__eventHandlers == 'undefined') { where.__eventHandlers = {}; } var place = null; if (typeof where.__eventHandlers[logical_type] == 'undefined') { where.__eventHandlers[logical_type] = []; place = where.__eventHandlers[logical_type]; var raiseEvent = function(e) { if (!e && window.event) { e = window.event; } for (var i=0;i < where.__eventHandlers[logical_type].length; i++) { var f = where.__eventHandlers[logical_type][i]; if (typeof f == 'function') { f.apply(where, [e]); f = null; } } } /* var oldHandler = function() { }; if (where[real_type] != null && typeof where[real_type] != "undefined") { oldHandler = where[real_type]; place[place.length] = oldHandler; oldHandler = null; } where[real_type] = null; */ if (where.addEventListener) { where.addEventListener(logical_type, raiseEvent, false); } else if (where.attachEvent) { where.attachEvent("on" + logical_type, raiseEvent); } else { where["on" + logical_type] = raiseEvent; } if ( (! (is.ie && is.mac)) && !doNotAdd) { EventCache.add(where, logical_type, raiseEvent, 1); } } else { place = where.__eventHandlers[logical_type]; } for (var i=0;i= 0; i = i - 1){ item = listEvents[i]; if(!item) { continue; } if(item[0].removeEventListener){ item[0].removeEventListener(item[1], item[2], item[3]); }; /* From this point on we need the event names to be prefixed with 'on" */ var logical_type = ''; if(item[1].substring(0, 2) != "on") { logical_type = item[1]; item[1] = "on" + item[1]; } else { logical_type = item[1].substring(2, event_name_without_on.length); }; //delete from __eventHandlers if (typeof item[0].__eventHandlers != 'undefined' && typeof item[0].__eventHandlers[logical_type] != 'undefined') { item[0].__eventHandlers[logical_type] = null; } if(item[0].detachEvent){ item[0].detachEvent(item[1], item[2]); }; item[0][item[1]] = null; }; listEvents = null; } }; }(); utility.dom.getStyleProperty = function(el, property) { try{ var value = el.style[property]; }catch(e) { return ""; } if (!value) { if (el.ownerDocument.defaultView && typeof (el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle) == "function") { // moz, opera value = el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, "").getPropertyValue(property); } else if (el.currentStyle) { // IE var m = property.split(/-/); if (m.length>0) { property = m[0]; for(var i=1;i (b2.x+b2.width) || (b1.y+b1.height) < b2.y || b1.y > (b2.y+b2.height) || false) { return false; } return true; } utility.dom.getBox = function(el) { var box = { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "scrollTop": 0, "scrollLeft": 0 }; var strictm = el.ownerDocument.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; if (el.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor) { var rect = el.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(el); box.x = rect.x - el.parentNode.scrollLeft; box.y = rect.y - el.parentNode.scrollTop; box.width = rect.width; box.height = rect.height; box.scrollLeft = (strictm?el.ownerDocument.documentElement:el.ownerDocument.body).scrollLeft; box.scrollTop = (strictm?el.ownerDocument.documentElement:el.ownerDocument.body).scrollTop; } else if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); box.x = rect.left; box.y = rect.top; box.width = rect.right - rect.left; box.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; box.scrollLeft = 0; //el.document.body.scrollLeft; box.scrollTop = 0; //el.document.body.scrollTop; } else { var tmp = utility.dom.getAbsolutePos(el); box.x = tmp.x - el.parentNode.scrollLeft; box.y = tmp.y - el.parentNode.scrollTop; box.width = parsetInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, 'width'), 10); box.height = parsetInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, 'height'), 10); box.scrollLeft = el.ownerDocument.body.scrollLeft; box.scrollTop = el.ownerDocument.body.scrollTop; } return box; } utility.dom.getBBox = function(el) { var box = { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "scrollTop": 0, "scrollLeft": 0 }; var strictm = el.ownerDocument.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; if (el.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor) { var doc = strictm?el.ownerDocument.documentElement:document; var bt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-top-width")); var bl = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-left-width")); var br = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-right-width")); var bb = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-bottom-width")); var rect = el.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(el); var sl = 0; var st = 0; while(el.parentNode) { if (el.scrollTop) { st += el.scrollTop; } if (el.scrollLeft) { sl += el.scrollLeft; } el = el.parentNode; } box.scrollLeft = sl; box.scrollTop = st; box.x = rect.x - bl - sl; box.y = rect.y - bt - st; box.width = rect.width; box.height = rect.height; } else if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // var ss = ''; // var zel = el; // var b = null; // while(zel) { // b = zel.getBoundingClientRect() // ss += zel.tagName+"\t" + b.top + "\t" + zel.scrollTop + "\r\n"; // zel = zel.offsetParent; // } // al(ss); var pel = strictm?el.ownerDocument.documentElement:document.body;//el.offsetParent; var bt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-top-width")) || 0; // var br = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-right-width")) || 0; // var bb = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-bottom-width")) || 0; var bl = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, "border-left-width")) || 0; // var pbt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-top-width")) || 0; // var pbr = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-right-width")) || 0; // var pbb = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-bottom-width")) || 0; // var pbl = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-left-width")) || 0; var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); //al(rect); box.x = rect.left - bl; box.y = rect.top - bt; // box.y = rect.top - pbt; // box.x = rect.left - pbl; box.width = rect.right - rect.left; box.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; box.scrollLeft = 0; //el.document.body.scrollLeft; box.scrollTop = 0; //el.document.body.scrollTop; } else { var pel = el.ownerDocument.documentElement;//el.offsetParent; var mt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "margin-top")); var ml = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "margin-left")); var bt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-top-width")); var bl = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-left-width")); var pt = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "padding-top")); var pl = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "padding-left")); pel = el.offsetParent; var mt2 = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "margin-top")); var ml2 = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "margin-left")); var bt2 = 0;//parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-top-width")); var bl2 = 0;//parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "border-left-width")); var pt2 = 0;//parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "padding-top")); var pl2 = 0;//parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(pel, "padding-left")); var tmp = utility.dom.getAbsolutePos(el); box.x = tmp.x; box.y = tmp.y; box.width = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, 'width')); box.height = parseInt(utility.dom.getStyleProperty(el, 'height')); box.scrollLeft = el.ownerDocument.body.scrollLeft; box.scrollTop = el.ownerDocument.body.scrollTop; if (is.opera) { box.x -= (ml + bl + pl + ml2); box.y -= mt + bt + pt + mt2; } } return box; } // from quirksmode, fixed to properly differentiate between IE versions utility.dom.getPageInnerSize = function() { var x, y; if (typeof self.innerHeight != "undefined") { x = self.innerWidth; y = self.innerHeight; } else if (typeof document.compatMode != 'undefined' && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') { x = document.documentElement.clientWidth; y = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { x = document.body.clientWidth; y = document.body.clientHeight; } return {x: x, y: y}; } // from quirksmode, fixed to properly differentiate between IE versions utility.dom.getPageScroll = function() { var x, y; if (typeof self.pageYOffset != 'undefined') { x = self.pageXOffset; y = self.pageYOffset; } else if (typeof document.compatMode != 'undefined' && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') { x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { x = document.body.scrollLeft; y = document.body.scrollTop; } return {x: x, y: y}; } utility.dom.createElement = function(type, attribs, wnd) { if (typeof is == 'undefined') { is = new BrowserCheck(); } if (typeof wnd != 'undefined') { var elem = wnd.document.createElement( type ); } else { var elem = document.createElement( type ); } if ( typeof attribs != 'undefined' ) { for (var i in attribs) { switch ( true ) { case ( i == 'text' ) : elem.appendChild( document.createTextNode( attribs[i] ) ); break; case ( i == 'class' ) : elem.className = attribs[i]; break; case ( i == 'id' ) : elem.id = attribs[i]; break; case ( i == 'type' ) : if (type.toLowerCase()=="input" && is.ie && is.mac) { //IE MAC cant set the type var tspn = document.createElement("SPAN"); document.body.appendChild(tspn); tspn.style.display= "none"; tspn.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML.replace(/= 0) { if (groupValue == '' || typeof groupValue == 'undefined') { groupValue = '0'; } } if (Array_indexOf('hh,h'.split(','), currentGroupMask) >= 0) { var tmpValue = parseInt(groupValue, 10); if (groupValue == '' || typeof groupValue == 'undefined') { groupValue = '12'; } else if (tmpValue > 12 && tmpValue < 24) { var index = (Array_indexOf(groups, 't') >= 0 ? Array_indexOf(groups, 't')+1 : Array_indexOf(groups, 'tt')+1); if (arr[index] == '') { groupValue = tmpValue - 12; vTimeMarkerUpdate = 1; } } } if (Array_indexOf('tt,t'.split(','), currentGroupMask) >= 0) { if (groupValue == '') { groupValue = [['A', 'AM'], ['P', 'PM']][vTimeMarkerUpdate][currentGroupMask.length - 1]; } } switch(currentGroupMask) { case 'yyyy': case 'YYYY': vYear = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 'yy': case 'YY': case 'y': vYear = parseInt(groupValue, 10); if (vYear < 1000) { if (vYear < 10) { vYear = 2000 + vYear; } else { if (vYear < 70) { vYear = 2000 + vYear; } else { vYear = 1900 + vYear; } } } break; case 'mm': case 'm': vMonth = parseInt(groupValue, 10); //vMonth; break; case 'dd': case 'd': vDay = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 'HH': case 'H': vHour24H = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 'hh': case 'h': vHour12h = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 'ii': case 'i': vMinutes = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 'ss': case 's': vSeconds = parseInt(groupValue, 10); break; case 't': vTimeMarker1C = groupValue; break; case 'tt': vTimeMarker2C = groupValue; break; } } vYear = vYear == null?1900:vYear; vMonth = vMonth == null?0:vMonth; vDay = vDay == null?1:vDay; vMinutes = vMinutes == null?0:vMinutes; vSeconds = vSeconds == null?0:vSeconds; var vHourOffset = 0; if (vHour12h != null) { if (vHour12h >= 1 && vHour12h <= 12) { vHour = vHour12h; if ((vTimeMarker1C || vTimeMarker2C || "").charAt(0)=="P") { if (vHour12h < 12) { vHour = vHour12h + 12; } } else { if (vHour12h == 12) { vHour = 0; } } //must add 12 to hour if time is PM //also, must add 12 if vHour12h in 12h format is greater than 11, which is invalid //vHourOffset = ( (vTimeMarker1C || vTimeMarker2C || "").charAt(0)=="P" || vHour12h>11)?12:0; //vHour = vHour12h + vHourOffset; } else { vHour = -1000; } } else if(vHour24H != null) { vHour = vHour24H; } else { vHour = 0; } var o = { 'year': vYear, 'month': vMonth, 'day': vDay, 'hour': vHour, 'minutes': vMinutes, 'seconds': vSeconds }; if (dateMask.indexOf('y') < 0 && dateMask.indexOf('m') < 0 && dateMask.indexOf('d') < 0 ) { o['year'] = '1900'; o['month'] = '1'; o['day'] = 1; } return o; } Object_weave_safe(utility, {window: {}}); utility.window.openWindow = function(target, url, width, height) { var wndHandler; var left = (screen.width - width) / 2; var top = (screen.height - height) / 2; var winargs = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",resizable=No,scrollbars=No,status=Yes,modal=yes,dependent=yes,dialog=yes,left=" + left + ",top=" + top; wndHandler = window.open(url, target, winargs); if (wndHandler) { utility.window.reference = wndHandler; var ctrlModalBlocker = document.getElementById('modalBlocker'); if (!ctrlModalBlocker) { var ctrlModalBlocker = utility.dom.createElement("DIV", { 'id' : 'modalBlocker', 'style' : 'display: block' }); var pos = utility.dom.getPageInnerSize(); ctrlModalBlocker.style.zIndex = 999; ctrlModalBlocker.style.width = (pos.x) + 'px'; ctrlModalBlocker.style.height = (pos.y) + 'px'; prepfixieinsertnodescrollup(); ctrlModalBlocker = document.body.insertBefore(ctrlModalBlocker, document.body.firstChild); utility.dom.attachEvent(ctrlModalBlocker, 'onmousedown', function() { return utility.window.focusmodal(); }); utility.dom.attachEvent(ctrlModalBlocker, 'ondblclick', function() { return utility.window.focusmodal(); }); utility.dom.attachEvent(ctrlModalBlocker, is.ie?'onbeforeactivate':'onfocus', function() { return utility.window.focusmodal(); }); utility.dom.attachEvent(is.mozilla?window.document.body:window, is.ie?'onbeforeactivate':'focus', function() { return utility.window.focusmodal(); }); fixieinsertnodescrollup(); } else { ctrlModalBlocker.style.display = 'block'; } wndHandler.focus(); } if (!wndHandler) { alert(translate('Cannot open dialog. Please allow site popups.')); } return wndHandler; }; function prepfixieinsertnodescrollup() { //IE will scrollup inside all iframes after a DOM node insert if (is.ie && typeof(ktmls)!="undefined") { prepfixieinsertnodescrollup.scrolls = []; for (var i=0;i=0; i--) { if (ktmls[i].destroyed) { continue; } ktmls[i].edit.body.scrollTop = prepfixieinsertnodescrollup.scrolls[i]; } } }; utility.window.focusmodal = function() { if (utility.window.reference && !utility.window.reference.closed) { utility.window.reference.focus(); return; } utility.window.hideModalBlocker(); }; utility.window.hideModalBlocker = function (wnd) { if (!wnd) { wnd = window; } utility.window.reference = null; if (wnd.closed) { return; } var ctrlModalBlocker = wnd.document.getElementById('modalBlocker'); if (ctrlModalBlocker) { ctrlModalBlocker.style.display = 'none'; } }; utility.window.close = function() { window.close(); }; utility.popup = {}; utility.popup.stiva = []; //one may need the keyboard events while having the popup open //so instruct utility.popup to not block keyboard while popup is open //but then he must treat the ESC key himself utility.popup.makeModal = function(clickCallBack, elementOnTop, stopEvents) { if(typeof(stopEvents) == "undefined") { stopEvents = true; } utility.popup.stiva.push({'element' : elementOnTop, 'callback': clickCallBack, 'stopEvents':stopEvents}); }; utility.popup.removeModal = function(e) { if (utility.popup.stiva.length == 0) { return; } if (utility.popup.force || e) { var tmp = utility.popup.stiva[utility.popup.stiva.length-1]; if (e) { var o = utility.dom.setEventVars(e); var clickedElement = o.targ; while (clickedElement) { if (tmp.element && clickedElement == tmp.element) { break; } if (clickedElement.mi && clickedElement.mi['action_event'] != 'mousedown') { //must not close the open context menu if mousedown on an open submenu //modals should be closed inside the close menu function call break; } clickedElement = clickedElement.parentNode; } if (clickedElement) { // the user clicked on the elementOnTop return; } } if (tmp.callback) { tmp.callback(); } utility.popup.stiva.pop(); utility.popup.removeModal(e); } utility.dom.toggleSpecialTags(null, false, 0, true, true); }; utility.popup.escapeModal = function(e) { if (utility.popup.stiva.length > 0) { if (!utility.popup.stiva[utility.popup.stiva.length-1].stopEvents) { return true; } var o = utility.dom.setEventVars(e); if (e.keyCode == 27) { utility.popup.force = true; utility.popup.removeModal(o.e); utility.popup.force = false; } if (is.ie && !o.e.ctrlKey) { try{o.e.keyCode = 90909090;}catch(e){}; } utility.dom.stopEvent(o.e); return false; } return true; } utility.window.blockInterface = function(cursor, el, customId) { if (typeof(cursor) == "undefined") { cursor = "wait"; } var ctrlInterfaceBlocker = utility.dom.createElement('div', {}); ctrlInterfaceBlocker.className = 'interfaceBlocker'; ctrlInterfaceBlocker.id = customId || 'interfaceBlocker'; prepfixieinsertnodescrollup(); ctrlInterfaceBlocker = document.body.appendChild(ctrlInterfaceBlocker); fixieinsertnodescrollup(); ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.cursor = cursor; var pos; if(!el) { pos = utility.dom.getPageInnerSize(); ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.width = pos.x + 'px'; ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.height = pos.y + 'px'; } else{ pos = utility.dom.getBox(el); ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.top = pos.y + 'px'; ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.left = pos.x + 'px'; ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.width = pos.width + 'px'; ctrlInterfaceBlocker.style.height = pos.height + 'px'; } }; utility.window.unblockInterface = function() { var ctrlInterfaceBlocker = document.getElementById('interfaceBlocker'); if (ctrlInterfaceBlocker) { document.body.removeChild(ctrlInterfaceBlocker); } }; utility.window.setModal = function(set_unselectable) { if (typeof set_unselectable == "undefined") { set_unselectable = true; } window.isloading = false; window.focus(); if (!window.dialogArguments) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (!window.opener.closed) { utility.window.hideModalBlocker(window.opener); } } if (set_unselectable) { utility.dom.setUnselectable(window.document.body); } } else { window.opener = dialogArguments; } if (!window.opener) { document.body.innerHTML = "
Invalid context! No opener.
" + '
' + document.body.innerHTML + '
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} if (c.indexOf(nameeq) == 0) { return unescape(c.substring(nameeq.length,c.length)); } } return null; } utility.cookie.del = function(name, path) { utility.cookie.set(name, "", -1, path); } // simple UID generator UIDGenerator = function(name) { if (typeof(name) == 'undefined') { name = 'iaktuid_' + Math.random().toString().substring(2, 6) + '_'; } this.name = name; this.counter = 1; } UIDGenerator.prototype.generate = function(detail) { if (typeof(detail) == 'undefined') { detail = ''; } return (this.name + detail + this.counter++ + '_'); } ObjectStorage = function (name) { this.storage = {}; this.gen = new UIDGenerator(name + "_reference_by_id_"); } ObjectStorage.prototype.add = ObjectStorage.prototype.storeObject = function (obj) { var type = obj.constructor.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*([^\s\(]*)\s*\(/i); if (!type) { type = "unknown_contructor"; } else { type = type[1]; } var newId = this.gen.generate(type); obj.id = newId; this.storage[newId] = obj; } ObjectStorage.prototype.get = ObjectStorage.prototype.getObject = function (id) { return this.storage[id]; } ObjectStorage.prototype.deleteObject = function (id) { delete this.storage[id]; } ObjectStorage.prototype.dispose = function () { this.storage = null; } QueryString = function(str) { if (typeof str == 'undefined') { var str = window.location.search.toString(); } this.keys = new Array(); this.values = new Array(); var query = str; if (str.indexOf('?') == 0) { query = str.substring(1); } query = query.replace(/&/g, '&'); var pairs = query.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('='); if (pos >= 0) { var argname = pairs[i].substring(0, pos); var value = pairs[i].substring(pos + 1); this.keys[this.keys.length] = argname; this.values[this.values.length] = value; } } } QueryString.prototype.find = function(key) { var value = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { if (this.keys[i] == key) { value = this.values[i]; break; } } return value; } KT_Tooltips = { cname: 'kt_add_tooltips', worked: [], cancel:false, gen: new UIDGenerator(), show: function (id, x, y) { var div = document.getElementById(id); if (!div) { return; } //show it somewhere out of sight, so it gets a box div.style.left = '-1000px'; div.style.top = '-1000px'; div.style.display = 'block'; var pos = utility.dom.getBBox(div); var pos2 = utility.dom.getPositionRelativeTo00(x, y, pos.width + 2, pos.height + 2); div.style.left = pos2.x + 'px'; div.style.top = pos2.y + 'px'; //KT_Tooltips.set_timeout(id, "hide", 3250); }, hide: function (id) { var div = document.getElementById(id); if (!div) { return; } div.style.display = 'none'; }, clear_timeout: function(id, mode) { var to = id + mode + "timeout"; if (typeof window[to] != 'undefined') { clearTimeout(window[to]); } }, clear_showtimeout: function(id) { KT_Tooltips.clear_timeout(id, 'show'); }, clear_hidetimeout: function(id) { KT_Tooltips.clear_timeout(id, 'hide'); }, set_timeout: function(id, mode, time) { var params_str = '', params_arr = []; if (arguments.length > 3) { for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) { Array_push(params_arr, arguments[i]); } } params_str = params_arr.join(', '); if (params_str != '') { params_str = ', ' + params_str; } var str = "KT_Tooltips." + mode + "('" + id + "'"+ params_str+")"; var to = id + mode + "timeout"; window[to] = setTimeout(str, time); }, set_showtimeout: function(id, vars) { KT_Tooltips.set_timeout(id, "show", 1000, vars.x, vars.y); }, set_hidetimeout: function(id) { KT_Tooltips.set_timeout(id, "hide", 250); }, attach_single: function(link) { if (is.ie || is.safari) { return; } var title = link.title; var mytip = null; if (link.getAttribute('divid')) { mytip = document.getElementById(link.getAttribute('divid')); if (mytip) { document.body.removeChild(mytip); } link.removeAttribute('divid'); } if (/[\r\n]/.test(title)) { var divid = KT_Tooltips.gen.generate("tooltip"); var div = utility.dom.createElement("div", { 'class': 'tooltip_div', 'id': divid }); div.innerHTML = link.getAttribute("title").toString().replace(/\r\n/g, "
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Extend both! //XMLDocument.prototype.loadXML = Document.prototype.loadXML = function (s) { // parse the string to a new doc var doc2 = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, "text/xml"); // remove all initial children while (this.hasChildNodes()) this.removeChild(this.lastChild); // insert and import nodes var ret = false; for (var i = 0; i < doc2.childNodes.length; i++) { this.appendChild(this.importNode(doc2.childNodes[i], true)); ret = true; } return ret; }; /* * xml getter * * This serializes the DOM tree to an XML String * * Usage: var sXml = oNode.xml * */ // XMLDocument did not extend the Document interface in some versions // of Mozilla. Extend both! /* XMLDocument.prototype.__defineGetter__("xml", function () { return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this); }); */ /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 3) //hide the next block of code from the IE compiler ;) @else @*/ var documentProto = Document.prototype; var documentGrandProto = documentProto.__proto__ = { __proto__: documentProto.__proto__ }; if (documentGrandProto) { documentGrandProto.__defineGetter__('xml', function () { return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this); } ); } var elementProto = Element.prototype; var elementGrandProto = elementProto.__proto__ = { __proto__: elementProto.__proto__ }; if (elementGrandProto) { elementGrandProto.__defineGetter__('text', function () { return this.textContent; } ); elementGrandProto.__defineGetter__('innerText', function () { return this.textContent; } ); elementGrandProto.__defineSetter__('innerText', function (new_value) { var tn = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(new_value); this.innerHTML = ""; this.appendChild(tn); } ); } /*@end @*/ } function evaluateXPath(aNode, aExpr) { var found = []; if (is.mozilla) { if (typeof evaluateXPath.xpe == "undefined") { evaluateXPath.xpe = new XPathEvaluator(); } //var nsResolver = xpe.createNSResolver(aNode.ownerDocument == null ? aNode.documentElement : aNode.ownerDocument.documentElement); //var result = xpe.evaluate(aExpr, aNode, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var result = evaluateXPath.xpe.evaluate(aExpr, aNode, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); while (res = result.iterateNext()) { found.push(res); } } else if (is.ie) { var result = aNode.selectNodes(aExpr); for(var i=0; i= 6 || this.mozilla && this.v >= 1.4; if (this.safari && this.mac && this.mozilla) { this.mozilla = false; } }; function sortFormHandlers(arr) { for(var i=0; i